5 security benefits of a well-landscaped home


upgrade you home security with security screen doors and improved yard care


You may not think of your home’s landscaping as security measure, but there are many security benefits to be had from a well-landscaped yard. From security screen doors to thorny bushes that deter intruders, there are plenty of ways to make your home more secure through landscaping. Here are five security benefits of a well-landscaped yard.

The Benefits of Security Screen Doors

Premium security screen doors provide a layer of security for your home by preventing unwanted intruders from being able to enter your home or business. Security screen doors also allow you to see who is at the door before opening it, giving the home owner another layer of privacy and protection. Meshtec security screen doors are some of the strongest security doors on the market, made with 316 grade stainless steel mesh that is impossible to cut through and built to withstand the toughest environmental conditions.

Security screen doors can also help to improve energy efficiency in your home or business. Scientifically proven to block out 60% of harmful uv rays, Security Plus security screen doors help you save on air conditioning running costs by keeping the rooms they are installed on about 5 degrees cooler on average.

The Importance of plant placement

When it comes to lawn security, one of the most important things to consider is the placement of plants. Thorny bushes and plants with thorns can be placed around the perimeter of your property to deter intruders, while other plants can be strategically placed near windows and doors to provide an extra layer of security.

The Importance of signage

Finally, don’t forget the importance of signage when it comes to security. By prominently displaying your house number and street name, you make it easier for emergency personnel or neighbors to find your home quickly in case of an emergency.

What to install security-wise in your yard

Installing security features in your yard can provide peace of mind and security for your home and family. Here are some security features to consider installing in your yard:

1. Security cameras: Security cameras can help to deter intruders and provide footage of any intruders who do manage to get into your yard.

2. Security lights: Security lights can help to illuminate key areas of your yard and make it difficult for intruders to approach undetected.

By adding lights to your landscaping, you can create an illuminated perimeter around your home that will make it difficult for intruders to approach undetected. Motion-sensor lights are also a great way to light up key areas of your property, such as entrances and exits, when they are activated by movement.

3. Motion-sensor lights: Motion-sensor lights are a great way to light up key areas of your property when they are activated by movement.

4. Security gates: Security gates can provide an extra layer of security for your property and can help to keep unwanted guests out.

5. Security fencing: Security fencing can help to keep intruders out of your yard and can also help to keep kids and pets safe in your yard.

A well-fenced yard can also provide security for your home. A sturdy fence will keep intruders out and can also help to keep kids and pets safe in your yard. When choosing a fence, be sure to opt for a fence that is high enough to deter intruders but that also complies with any local ordinances.

We hoped you enjoyed this post, combining both security screens and proper landscaping can ensure that your home is as safe and secure as possible. By taking these security measures, you can rest assured that your family and belongings are well-protected against any would-be intruder. Once you have finished rennovating the exterior of your home maybe it will be time to upgrade your home interior. If so then check out our last post on experiental retail design for some inspiration!

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